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The trove .net

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The Capabilities property is a static property that gets a TimerCaps structure representing your system's multimedia timer's minimum and maximum Period values.

  • SynchronizingObject - Gets or sets the ISynchronizeInvoke object the timer is using for marshaling events.
  • Resolution – Gets or sets the timer resolution in milliseconds.
  • Period – Gets or sets the time between timer events in milliseconds.
  • Capabilities – Gets a structure representing the multimedia timer capabilities.
  • In addition, the class has several properties: When the Timer Period has elapsed, it raises a Tick event.


    It also implements the IComponent interface so that it can be dragged and dropped onto the Windows Designer. The Timer class has Start and Stop methods for starting and stopping the Timer respectively. The multimedia Timer class encapsulates several of the Win32 multimedia functions to make using the multimedia timer in the. NET interoperability services, the multimedia timer can be brought into the. Unfortunately, the Win32 multimedia timer is not part of the. For example, a MIDI application needs timing events that are as finely grained as possible.

    the trove .net

    This can be useful in a multimedia application where timing accuracy is of utmost importance. They allow you to schedule timing events at a higher resolution than other timer services.

    the trove .net

    The Win32 multimedia timer services provide the greatest degree of timing accuracy.

    The trove .net